Notes,assignments of thermodynamics for engineering & science students. It almost cover topics of thermodynamics which are given below
1. Basic concepts
2. properties of thermodynamics
3. Equilibrium
4. thermodynamics state
5. thermodynamics process
6. Zeroth law of thermodynamics
7. definition of ideal gas in thermodynamics
8. Gas Law
9. Avogadro's hypothesis
10. Heat and work transfer
11. First law of thermodynamics
12. First Law for open and closed system
13. Limitations of the first law of thermodynamics
14. Second law of thermodynamics
15. Heat Engine
16. heat reservoir
17. Refrigerators and Heat Pumps
18. Carnot's Theorem and Cycle
19. Reversible and irreversible processes
20. Entropy
21. Entropy change for ideal gas
22. Real Gas
23. Deviation with ideal gas
24. Vander-wall's equation
25. The law of corresponding states Compressibility factor
26. maxwell relations
27. Pure Substance
28. Phase-transformations
29. formation of steam
30. PvT Surface
31. HS,TS,PV,PH,TV diagram
32. processes of vapor measurement of dryness fraction
33. Use of steam table and Mollier chart
34. Air standard cycles
35. carnot cycle
36. Otto cycle
37. Diesel cycle
38. dual cycle
39. two stroke engine
40. four stroke engine
41. Brayton Cycle
42. Comparison between all cycle
43. mixture of ideal gases
44. Enthalpy of mixing
45. Entropy of mixing
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">Catatan, tugas termodinamika untuk teknik & sains siswa. Ini hampir mencakup topik termodinamika yang diberikan di bawah ini
1. Konsep Dasar
2. sifat termodinamika
3. Equilibrium
negara 4. termodinamika
Proses 5. termodinamika
6. Zeroth hukum termodinamika
7. definisi gas ideal dalam termodinamika
Hukum 8. Gas
9. hipotesis Avogadro
10. Panas dan pengalihan pekerjaan
11. Hukum Pertama Termodinamika
12. Hukum Pertama untuk sistem terbuka dan tertutup
13. Keterbatasan hukum pertama termodinamika
14. Kedua hukum termodinamika
15. Mesin Panas
waduk 16. panas
17. Lemari es dan Pompa Panas
18. Carnot Teorema dan Siklus
19. proses Reversible dan irreversible
20. Entropi
21. Entropi perubahan untuk gas ideal
22. Gas Nyata
23. Deviasi dengan gas ideal
persamaan 24. Vander-tembok
25. Hukum negara sesuai faktor Compressibility
hubungan 26. Maxwell
27. Zat Murni
28. Tahap-transformasi
29. pembentukan uap
30. Pvt Permukaan
31. HS, TS, PV, PH, diagram TV
32. proses pengukuran uap fraksi kekeringan
33. Gunakan tabel uap dan grafik Mollier
34. siklus standar Air
siklus 35. carnot
siklus 36. Otto
siklus 37. Diesel
38. siklus ganda
mesin 39. dua langkah
mesin 40. empat langkah
41. Brayton Cycle
42. Perbandingan antara semua siklus
43. campuran gas ideal
44. Entalpi pencampuran
45. Entropi pencampuran</div> <div class="show-more-end">